Can women be pastors?
That's right, women pastors is the topic! This can be a heated issue so let's jump right in! I have heard people say that part of the reason women shouldn't be pastors is because we are too emotional or hormonal to lead anything. They are holding the belief that somehow just because we go through a time of the month that can lead to extra emotions will somehow make us incapable of being in charge of anything important. If you think this or know someone who has said it, then your head is in the wrong place. That's a worldly view on a biblical topic. The world does not define who we are as people, or as women. God does. Our Identity is found in Christ alone. A woman's ability or calling to lead has absolutely nothing to do with her having too many emotions or hormones to properly execute tasks or a certain role that may hold authority. The only thing that matters on this topic is the Bible and what it says, not my opinion, not your neigh...