Can women be pastors?

That's right, women pastors is the topic! This can be a heated issue so let's jump right in!

I have heard people say that part of the reason women shouldn't be pastors is because we are too emotional or hormonal to lead anything. They are holding the belief that somehow just because we go through a time of the month that can lead to extra emotions will somehow make us incapable of being in charge of anything important.

If you think this or know someone who has said it, then your head is in the wrong place. That's a worldly view on a biblical topic. The world does not define who we are as people, or as women. God does. Our Identity is found in Christ alone. 

A woman's ability or calling to lead has absolutely nothing to do with her having too many emotions or hormones to properly execute tasks or a certain role that may hold authority. 

The only thing that matters on this topic is the Bible and what it says, not my opinion, not your neighbors, not even your pastor's. So make sure if you asking the question, "should a woman be a pastor?" that you're praying about the answer and taking it up with the Big Man since there are some answers you may get from people that will not align with the Bible. 

As Christ followers we should compare EVERYTHING to the Word and pray about it before making our decision. 

So let's get to it. What does the Bible say? Can women be pastors? The answer is, it depends on how you intend to hold that role in the church. 

Okay let's back up. Are you confused? Let me clarify. 

The Bible says women aren't to lead men! NOWHERE does the Bible say that women aren't capable of leading. Women can hold plenty of different leadership roles in the church. Children's ministries, women's ministries, women's bible studies, etc. So long as they are not accepting positions that put them over men, they can go to school, get a degree in theology and be pastors of women's and children's ministries with no problem. 

Where do I get this from? Well, in first Timothy, we are told that women are not permitted to teach or have authority over a man. 

So, God, through the apostle Paul, restricts women from serving in roles that require them to teach and/or have spiritual authority over a man. This precludes women from serving as pastors over men, which definitely includes preaching to them, teaching them publicly, and exercising spiritual authority over them. Meaning that if a woman was to become the head pastor of a church, she would not be listening to God's calling for her leadership since God will never call us to something that goes against what the Bible says. He does not contradict Himself. 

A huge reason you will see people argue the other side is because of the modern day feminism that is being pushed into the church. Women don't want to feel "inferior" they want to be empowered, but they forget that as a Christ follower, their empowerment comes from Jesus, not from themselves or because of the fact that they are a woman. You can still be a strong woman. Just be a strong woman through Christ. 

Remember that the only stance that matters is the stance that the Bible makes. Read the Word, go to first Timothy for reference in this case, and pray. God is never changing, His Word is never changing, the message is clear and if you are truly seeking the answers from Him, He will reveal His truth to you. 


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