Are you searching for something more?


I did not know what I was missing until I realized all that I had found. I grew up always believing in "something," but what was that? I had no idea. I didn't grow up in a church or around Bible believing, God fearing Christians. I grew up around your regular, run of the mill, lukewarm types. So I "knew" who God was and I figured that's just what people believed in, so I might as well believe it too, right? Wrong. 

Being a Christian is so much more than just believing that He is someone or something that's greater than us. While that is true, He is so much more. He is a God that loves you more than you can ever imagine. Think about this, He sent His one and only son to DIE for you. Literally, in the flesh, pinned to a cross, FOR YOU. Now if that isn't love, what is? 

July 2015 someone that I knew passed away. We weren't close, but I grew up in a small town and I knew of him, he knew of me, we talked in passing in high school, maybe had a few classes together. That sort of thing. So I am still unsure to this day why his death was what made me really call out for Jesus. This was especially hard for me since I had lost one of my best friends two years prior, in 2013. 

For whatever reason, that I don't need to know the answer to, Jesus used this person's death to reach me. I broke down about what happens to you after you die, where you go, and if you ever get to see the people that you love again. I'm sure that most people think of these things from time to time. 

At the time, I was also dating my now husband. He was born and raised in a church and in a family of firm believers and intentional followers of the Lord. Like I said, I always thought that I believed in God, so it's not like I thought he was crazy. I just didn't fully understand what it meant to be saved by God's grace. 

So the night that I learned of the passing of my friend, I reached out to my husband and asked him to show me who Jesus was. He explained to me that it was a personal relationship between me and Christ. That I had to ask God to come into my life, come into my heart, and live through me. This is where I find out that GOD IS SO GOOD! 

Fast forward to now. God is in my life. God is in my heart. I live and I love like Jesus did. I know that I am a sinner and profess it every day. I know that only Jesus can save me and I profess that He is Lord, every day! I want to live intentionally as a follower of Him and share the good news with YOU that not only will He save you, but He will change you! 


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