False teachings/religions, the unbeliever, and how to get to Heaven!

How do we know what a false teaching is vs. what the Truth, or God's word truly is?

It's simple really, anything that contradicts what the Bible says is false and should therefore be avoided. 

Okay easy answer. What about the signs of this? How can you tell if it's a contradiction? 

Signs of false teachings will be things such as taking away or adding to the word, misinterpretation of the word, etc. False teachings can also be just when someone is preaching and choosing to omit the parts of the word that don't "sound good" for their own gain. Whether it's to be liked by man, or to continue to receive their big paycheck or their TV deal, etc. 

The most common false teaching that fits the above description is that of "prosperity gospel," which is the teaching of using God for your own gain and purpose rather than doing what scripture tells us to do, which is allow God to use us for His purpose. 

These teachers that use a prosperity gospel method don't like to share the things that are "bad" in scripture. Like talking about sin and what God defines as sin. Instead, these teachers will tell you all about how to use the "Power of I Am" or something to that effect, to use God for your gain, while ignoring the real issues at hand. 

To have a relationship with God, we must know who He is and what He stands for. You can't just disagree with everything that Jesus tells us is from God and then claim to have a relationship with Him. 
Revelation 3:16– So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Therefore, whenever you are being taught the word by someone else, you must also compare it to scripture on your own. No matter who it is that's teaching it to you. We do not lean on our own understanding, so why would we lean on the understanding of just another man? Ask God for clarity. Open the word for yourself and find out if what you're being taught is true. 

On the other hand, people seem to forget that there are also complete religions out there that are false and all that they teach is based on the words of false prophets and misinterpreting scripture to fit their own agenda. A false prophet is anyone who claims to have been spoken to by God, shares what was supposedly shared with them by God, but what they share doesn't line up biblically. This will NEVER be the case. God will not contradict Himself. He has already told us that the Bible is true, therefore that stands. 
Hebrews 13:8– Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

So what does this mean about following a religion that is false? Well, following a religion that represents beliefs that aren't from the Bible is not a religion from God, therefore it can keep you from heaven! Following false teachings is a sin, but don't be mistaken, it's not the sin itself that keeps you from heaven, because anyone can repent, believe in Jesus and what He did for you on the cross, and receive salvation through faith. It's the fact that when you are following these false teachings you are not growing closer to God, but moving farther from Him. You are not actually worshipping God, you're worshipping a false God, therefore you do not have a relationship with the one true God! You have been deceived by Satan. You don't know truth, therefore how can you have faith in the truth?

Ezekiel 13:9– My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.

A popular teaching throughout false religions is that you have to "do" so much to gain entrance into God's Kingdom. But our works do not get us to heaven, our faith in Jesus Christ does. 

It's also common just among those who don't believe at all that what they "do" will get them "somewhere," and they usually refer to their somewhere as heaven. You've heard it said a thousand times, "well I'm a good person, so I think I'm good when I die." But if this is you then what's your basis of "good?" And why do you get the determine what gets you to a place that you didn't create when the creator Himself can tell you how to actually get there? 

You see, the Bible acts as our mirror. We look to scripture to show us what is wrong, what is right, what is permissible and what is not. So what's the mirror for your own standard of "good?" How can you possibly be in control of your own eternity when you can't even be sure what happens after death? That's why we have the Bible. It tells us. You CAN have the mirror to show you what's wrong and right and you CAN be sure what happens after death. All you have to do is read it and see for yourself. 

So what gets you to heaven? Faith in Jesus Christ, accepting Him as your personal savior gets you to heaven if you truly mean it in your heart. And if you truly mean in, the Bible says you will be changed by Him.

You can't follow Him and be changed by Him if you're following a religion that doesn't align with Him because He is not there. He can't change you if He isn't even present. 

Same for unbelievers. You can't claim to be going somewhere when you don't even know how to get there. I don't believe in prosperity gospel, obviously, so I will tell you how it is, with love, while also being straight up. So with the most love I have to give, you don't just get to go to heaven because you're a good person. You must have faith in Jesus Christ and what He did for you on the cross. 

Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."

In the end, it doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what the Bible teaches and whether or not you choose to believe and follow that. God tells us who He is. God shows us who He is just by the beautiful earth around us. You have no excuse to deny God and not believe He is true when He continually shows you that He is. He loves you so much that He has given you the proof so that you are without excuse, but He also loves you enough not to force you to believe. The proof is given and the choice is all yours. 

Romans 1:20– "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities– His eternal power and divine nature– have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

His word is the only word, don't let anyone try to tell you that you need anything more than faith in Jesus Christ and the BIBLE as your guide! 


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