Marriage Roles - Specifically the Wife

Everyone has their part to play in many different scenarios. In this we are speaking about the roles we play in marriage as husband and wife. More specifically I am going to speak about the roles of the wife; and even more specifically I am going to obviously be speaking about the Godly roles of a wife.

If you have been reading my blog posts thus far or even if you are visiting my site for the first time now, it is apparent that I am a Christian and that this blog speaks on issues from a biblical stand point.  So that's what you get when you read what I have to say, truth from the Bible and the Bible alone.

So here it is, being a Godly wife. In order to know what it means to be a Godly wife, we must first understand what the word Godly means. We can get this from 1 Timothy 2:2 in which Paul uses the word in conjunction with peaceful, quiet, and dignified.

To be Godly is to be Christlike, also meaning to strive to imitate Christ, who is perfect. Although we all know as sinners on this earth, we cannot be perfect. Jesus was sent to earth to live the perfect life that we are incapable of living, then dying the death that we all deserve to die, in our place, so that we could have a way to be with God forever. As followers of Him this is something that we recognize when we choose a life that glorifies God. So the fact that we can never fully be like Jesus on earth, that should never stop us from trying to imitate Him and His actions to the best of our ability.

So now that we know what it is to be Godly, what is it to be a wife, according to scripture? We start by submitting to our husbands according to the Bible. In Ephesians 5:22-24 it says, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, His body, and is Himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands."

This is really hard scripture for women to wrap their heads around in today's world with this feminist movement that we have going on. People like to twist the words of the Bible when they claim they don't even believe it and even some who do believe the Bible will try to take this out of context. Nonbelievers, and unfortunately believers alike, will see the word "submit" and automatically think, "Nope, sorry I am not a slave to my husband."

However, this thinking isn't what scripture is asking of us. No one is a slave just because they submit to their husband, just as we are not slaves just because we submit to God. Marriage is like an umbrella, you have God at the top, then you have your husband under Him, then you are under your husband.

Your husband is called to submit to God just as you are, but your husband takes the place of authority in the household. So when your husband is submitting to God and following Him, and living according to scripture you will never be made to feel like a slave, because your husband will be loving you as Christ loves the church. His authority over you will be in the best interest of your family and will be of loving authority. That's where you come in, under your husband in this umbrella. You submit to Him the way you submit to Christ, and respect Him as the authoritative figure in your household. Obeying the choices that he makes as the head of the household because he makes them for your good and according to God's will.

More about being a Godly wife is found in Proverbs 31. Commonly referred to as being a Proverbs 31 woman when you strive to follow the lead of the woman here. Now this part especially is twisted within the Christian community to be a bad thing because it's "not possible." You see the Proverbs 31 woman does it all and that's where most people stop and say, "well I can't possibly be expected to do all of those things!" Well you're right, you're not. It's a metaphor! Proverbs 31 details feminine wisdom in the context of family and community. When you break it down,  the Proverbs 31 woman is just referring to someone of wisdom, who respects and trusts her husband, supports her family and her husband, a woman who isn't afraid to work to help her family, someone who wants to help others in need and someone who has grace. All these things are possible when you yourself trust in God and support your husband by being the best you that you can be.

So remember, we are not slaves to our husbands and we are not slaves to God. We are all given free will to choose what we will do. Will we follow God's word and strive to live a life like Christ and be rewarded with eternal life? Or will we choose to follow the ways and the thinking of the world while denying God's power, thus being condemned to hell for all of eternity? Because that's the reality. That's what everything in scripture will boil down too. Life with God forever or eternal separation from Him.


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