So, you're offended?

It seems that it is easier and easier to offend people these days.

Well when it comes to Jesus, I say, get ready to be offended!! 😉

The last thing that I ever plan to do is sugar coat or water down the TRUTH. Jesus saves people; and I want to share that news with everyone that I can! I have found something that completely changed my life, for the better and it's an amazing feeling! It would be selfish of me to keep it all to myself!

Sharing something that you come to find is true can be really hard. Especially when people are so closed off because they can't stand the thought of surrendering their life to anyone or anything.

I know, especially in the day we are in now, people just don't want to believe in something that they can't understand. I know that struggle too! But you just have to realize that we aren't always going to have all the answers and there are things that we don't need to know.

All of the things that we do need to know, are in the Bible. It's a complete blue print for your life. You don't need any other book or other "scriptures." The Bible is the one true word of God, just like there is only one true God Himself!

If you are searching for something, I guarantee you, that something is Jesus and He WILL fill all that is empty in you; if you allow Him to do so! If you just aren't sure if the Bible is the true word of God, here is a short video that will give you both internal evidence and external evidence that the Bible is indeed the word of God!

Is the Bible truly God's word?


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