Attention disciples of Christ!

Okay, I know that I said the next post would be a follow up to "What does it mean to have a Christ centered marriage?" but this post has been weighing on my heart. So the next one will be about marriage roles!

So here it goes...

As Christians in today's world it is very important that we are being BOLD and speaking the TRUTH into the hearts of believers and non believers alike. 

You can still be intentional while being gentle to those who need to hear the gospel. 

Those who claim to know the gospel but aren't fully understanding it or they're twisting it, we are called by God to correct them. 

As a Christian, you are a disciple of Christ! If you recall, ALL of His disciples in the Bible were persecuted for following Him. 

It isn't rude or wrong of you to correct the discrepancies that you find in the teachings or beliefs of those who claim to be Christ followers, it's the RIGHT thing to do. It's what Jesus would do! You just also have to be loving and kind as you go. 

Christians are widely known as people who "shove their beliefs down the throats of others." But let me be clear, that's not our job. 

Obviously there are going to be extremists in anything, Christianity isn't exempt from that. However, as Christ followers we are ALL called to speak truth. His truth. 

So if you've found Jesus and He's your personal Savior, then you have a job to do. Spread the good news! Tell all who can hear that Jesus saves!!! Don't shy away from sharing something so wonderful! 

I found something that I find to be true and I can guarantee ANYONE who opens the Bible and has an open mind and open heart to God, they will find it to be true as well. 

If you seek Him, He will be there.

Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Deuteronomy 4:29 - But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. 

Psalm 9:10 - Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You. 

So no, me speaking His truth to all who can hear isn't me "shoving" it at you. It's me doing what I am called to do. I can still love you, as I love everyone, while still telling you you're wrong. I will not shy away. I will not back down. 

Speak the truth. The Lord's truth. Be bold. Be intentional. Be courageous. Be kind. Love as Christ loves. Live as Christ lives. 


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