What does it mean to have a Christ centered marriage?

Let's face it. Marriage is hard; but it can still be fun and it can still be worthwhile.

The "perfect" marriage = 2 imperfect people vowing to never give up on each other. You are never going to always get it right. You will make mistake after mistake in this life and so will your spouse. You just have to remember that you made a vow not only to each other, but also to God.

Marriage is like a triangle. You and your spouse are at the bottom, across from one another and as you both go up to meet each other and complete the triangle, you meet God, at the top of your triangle. He is what is holding you together.

You see, God is the one who created and designed marriage, in His glorious image. So without Him, what truly keeps you together?

Mark 10:8-9 says "and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

"Let no one separate" stands out to me personally because there have been times in my marriage that it's been attacked from the outside. Whether it has been friends or even family members that don't understand what the covenant of marriage is and what it means to my husband and me.

We strive day in and day out to live like Christ lives and love as Christ loves. Not only pertaining to our marriage but ALL other areas of our life as well. God first, always.

So there are times when you have to remind yourself that as a Christ follower it will not always be easy, more and more people aren't understanding what it means to truly follow Jesus.

Jesus said in John 15:18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

This couldn't be more true. He was crucified for ALL the sins of the world. He was the ultimate sacrifice so that YOU, and me, could live forever with our Creator so long as you believe in Him. (John 3:16)

So when it comes to all things, God is to be put first. No matter who around you disagrees or doesn't understand. When you apply this to your marriage, you cannot fail.

This isn't all there is to it though. If you want to have a truly Christ centered marriage, you need to be diving into the Word together, learning about Jesus together as ONE, and living your lives in a way that honors Him.

Before all that you do, if you were to say "In Jesus name, I________" then fill in the blank, does it sound right? Would you do whatever it is you're about to do in Jesus name? If the answer is no, don't give into the temptation.

This same method can be applied to your marriage. "In Jesus name, I am going to flirt with this man even though I am a married woman." That obviously doesn't sound right and is NOT something you would do in Jesus name. Therefore, don't do it.

It can be something as obvious as the example I gave above, or it can be something more complex, the bottom line is, if you wouldn't do whatever it is you are about to do in the name of God, then you shouldn't be doing it at all.

There is so much more that I can say on this topic, but we can cut this one off for now. If you have comments please share them! The next blog post will touch more about the roles of a husband and wife inside your marriage and your household.

Happy Thursday!


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