
Showing posts from 2017

Is everyone a "child of God?"

Before I dig into the explanation, let  answer the question. Is everyone a "child of God?" Simply put, the answer is no. Now lets go further into this!!! Did God create you? Yes! Colossians 1:16 - For by Him all things were created, in the heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities- all things were created through Him and for Him. Does God love you? Absolutely! John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. However, like I said, that doesn't make you a "child of God." Only those who receive Him as the Savior will become His children. Romans 9:8 - This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise that are counted as offspring. So what does all this mean? It means that because of "The Fall" of Adam and Eve (read Genesis 3), we are all b...

False teachings/religions, the unbeliever, and how to get to Heaven!

How do we know what a false teaching is vs. what the Truth, or God's word truly is? It's simple really, anything that contradicts what the Bible says is false and should therefore be avoided.  Okay easy answer. What about the signs of this? How can you tell if it's a contradiction?  Signs of false teachings will be things such as taking away or adding to the word, misinterpretation of the word, etc. False teachings can also be just when someone is preaching and choosing to omit the parts of the word that don't "sound good" for their own gain. Whether it's to be liked by man, or to continue to receive their big paycheck or their TV deal, etc.  The most common false teaching that fits the above description is that of "prosperity gospel," which is the teaching of using God for your own gain and purpose rather than doing what scripture tells us to do, which is allow God to use us for His purpose.  These teachers that use a prospe...

The Jesus Truth Bomb!

I've said this before but I think it's time to say it again. I know I share it often but it's so important to get it out there that I will continue to repeat it as many times as I need to so that everyone can hear this important truth. Jesus is coming soon!!! This is typically a Facebook status that I post but figure since I share my blog in places other than Facebook, I should share this here as well. This is also going to be an elevated version of the Facebook post with more information, details, explanation, and most importantly, scripture! So here we go!! Jesus is no joke y'all. Heaven is real. Hell is real. When you die and leave this Earth, you will end up in Heaven or in Hell. You get to decide where you're going because when Jesus died for you on the cross, that was His GIFT to you. You do NOT need to earn it, it's His gift to everyone. All He asked is that you believe Him, you believe and follow His word and you accept him as your Lord and Savior....

Marriage Roles - Specifically the Wife

Everyone has their part to play in many different scenarios. In this we are speaking about the roles we play in marriage as husband and wife. More specifically I am going to speak about the roles of the wife; and even more specifically I am going to obviously be speaking about the Godly roles of a wife. If you have been reading my blog posts thus far or even if you are visiting my site for the first time now, it is apparent that I am a Christian and that this blog speaks on issues from a biblical stand point.  So that's what you get when you read what I have to say, truth from the Bible and the Bible alone. So here it is, being a Godly wife. In order to know what it means to be a Godly wife, we must first understand what the word Godly means. We can get this from 1 Timothy 2:2 in which Paul uses the word in conjunction with peaceful, quiet, and dignified. To be Godly is to be Christlike, also meaning to strive to imitate Christ, who is perfect. Although we all know as sinners...

When you're under attack by fellow Christ followers.

I've been wanting to write a post about how to be more Christ-like and what that means. I'm still working on the Marriage Roles post because let's face it, there's a lot to talk about when it comes to marriage! So I am still trucking away on that one!  Anyways, something happened to me recently in a Christian community that I am apart of on Facebook that just gave me the perfect example of what's it's like to NOT be Christ-like as a Christian; and how damaging that can be to fellow Christians you will encounter.   When you are a true follower of Christ you will come under attack frequently. If you're not being persecuted then you're probably doing something wrong. Not everyone agreed with Jesus, I mean look how that ended, He was crucified for claiming to be exactly who He is. So as followers of Him, people won't always agree with us and they will find ways to attack you or find your flaws and try to exploit them.  Well before I get into...

Attention disciples of Christ!

Okay, I know that I said the next post would be a follow up to "What does it mean to have a Christ centered marriage?" but this post has been weighing on my heart. So the next one will be about marriage roles! So here it goes... As Christians in today's world it is very important that we are being BOLD and speaking the TRUTH into the hearts of believers and non believers alike.  You can still be intentional while being gentle to those who need to hear the gospel.  Those who claim to know the gospel but aren't fully understanding it or they're twisting it, we are called by God to correct them.  As a Christian, you are a disciple of Christ! If you recall, ALL of His disciples in the Bible were persecuted for following Him.  It isn't rude or wrong of you to correct the discrepancies that you find in the teachings or beliefs of those who claim to be Christ followers, it's the RIGHT thing to do. It's what Jesus would do! You just a...

What does it mean to have a Christ centered marriage?

Let's face it. Marriage is hard; but it can still be fun and it can still be worthwhile. The "perfect" marriage = 2 imperfect people vowing to never give up on each other. You are never going to always get it right. You will make mistake after mistake in this life and so will your spouse. You just have to remember that you made a vow not only to each other, but also to God. Marriage is like a triangle. You and your spouse are at the bottom, across from one another and as you both go up to meet each other and complete the triangle, you meet God, at the top of your triangle. He is what is holding you together. You see, God is the one who created and designed marriage, in His glorious image. So without Him, what truly  keeps you together? Mark 10:8-9 says "and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." "Let no one separate" stands out to me personally bec...

So, you're offended?

It seems that it is easier and easier to offend people these days. Well when it comes to Jesus, I say, get ready to be offended!! 😉 The last thing that I ever plan to do is sugar coat or water down the TRUTH. Jesus saves people; and I want to share that news with everyone that I can! I have found something that completely changed my life, for the better and it's an amazing feeling! It would be selfish of me to keep it all to myself! Sharing something that you come to find is true can be really hard. Especially when people are so closed off because they can't stand the thought of surrendering their life to anyone or anything. I know, especially in the day we are in now, people just don't want to believe in something that they can't understand. I know that struggle too! But you just have to realize that we aren't always going to have all the answers and there are things that we don't need to know. All of the things that we do need to know, are in the ...

Are you searching for something more?

GOD IS SO GOOD!! I did not know what I was missing until I realized all that I had found. I grew up always believing in "something," but what was that? I had no idea. I didn't grow up in a church or around Bible believing, God fearing Christians. I grew up around your regular, run of the mill, lukewarm types. So I "knew" who God was and I figured that's just what people believed in, so I might as well believe it too, right? Wrong.  Being a Christian is so much more than just believing that He is someone or something that's greater than us. While that is true, He is so much more. He is a God that loves you more than you can ever imagine. Think about this, He sent His one and only son to DIE for you. Literally, in the flesh, pinned to a cross, FOR YOU. Now if that isn't love, what is?  July 2015 someone that I knew passed away. We weren't close, but I grew up in a small town and I knew of him, he knew of me, we talked in passing in high...